
Pokemon D/P, the best moves for adamant hippowdon?

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i was thinking


slack off


thunder fang

but what do you think i should have?

any sugestions will do




  1. An adamant hippowdon.


    Earthquake (Obviousy STAB, 100 Base power)


    Ice Fang

    Thunder Fang.

    Obviously, you don't need slack off because Hippowdon already has big HP and defense, PLUS, it gets a 1.5x Sp. Def boost because of the sandstorm, so it would be a pain to take it down

    Basically, Ice Fang is there to take care of those Overused dragons like Salamence, Garchomp. Etc..

    Well, goodluck!

  2. Hippowdon is a Great Physical Wall.

    The  best moveset is :

    ~ Earthquake

    ~ Ice Fang

    ~ Stealth Rock

    ~ Slack Off

    As far as physical walling goes, you won't find many Pokémon better than Hippowdon in DP. Rock resistance, 10% better overall physical defense than Skarmory, and a one turn recovery move without any drawback makes Hippowdon a hard Pokémon to budge. It laughs at any Aerodactyl, ruins all-physical Salamence or Electivire, counters Tyranitar better than anything ever did in RS, and can even switch in against Jolly Choice Band Heracross Megahorns and recover off all the damage. Not including Explosion, Selfdestruct or critical hits, no Pokémon can OHKO Hippowdon with any physical attack. For those reasons, Hippowdon is a perfect candidate for use of Stealth Rock. It can set up the entry hazard and then use Slack Off to recover any damage it takes, and it can even utilize Roar effectively to pile up residual damage on your opponents team.

  3. maybe an ice beam if it can learn it try get rid of crunch and slack off and get moves which are super effective against types this will be good because you come against differnet pokemon and you have to have moves to hurt them

  4. take out slack off for double-edge

    otherwise, i would say ur good to go. just remember to add a pp max to earthquake.

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