
Pokemon Diamond, PKRS?

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I got a Palkia via the GTS which has PKRS next to its name. I know it's a virus that actually does a lot of good and that it won't go away if you put it in the PC box, which I did. What I'd like to know is if I should spread it to the Pokemon I've had since the beginning and which are above level 60 now. Will it still work or is it better to spread it to lower level Pokemon? What is the best way to spread it (does the Pokemon with the PKRS has to battle or just be in the party)? Thanks!




  1. it won't go away in the pc

    put the palkia in your party and put pokemon in your party and sooner or later they'll get it too

    make sure you don't take them to the pk center to much

    it will take it off

  2. Try Batting with one PKRS infected pokemon and 5 normal pokemon and the 5 normal pokemon will get PKRS

  3. Spreading it to them wouldn't be helpful. You should spread it to those who you plan on using in the future, or perhaps just infect some so that you do not lose it.

    To spread it, just put the one(s) that is(are) infected into your party and battle for a little while. After sometime it will spread around. It doesn't have to be the one that is infected, you can use anyone to battle and it will spread.
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