
Pokemon Diamond Assistance Need?

by  |  earlier

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in pokemon diamond

i have 3 bagdes

i have Machoke, Golbat and Rampardos all lvl 40

i need a new pokemon

which one shud i get?

do i need stronger pokemon in my team?

rate my team outta ten




  1. I say get all eight bagdes and complete the championship in pokemon ruby,pokemon,sapphire,and pokemon pearl and when you do that trade the pokemon from the other game to pokemon diamond but make sure that when you trade your pokemon do not trade your Machoke, Golbat and Rampardos capture weak pokemon like at LV.2-LV.8 then that will get you more stronger pokemon. If this advise worked e-mail me at

  2. i give it 6

  3. i would give it 2 out of 10.sorry that is c**p like no offence trade your ramparados for summat like a lucario, why did u give away ur starter. if i were u i would start a new game.

  4. i give it a 4 it is okay but not that good and who gives away there starter

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