
Pokemon Diamond How Do I get The 3 Burmys?

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I know you can get them on honey trees, but if i breed one and then hatch its egg will it always be the same????




  1. Well yes but there's a way to get all 3 forms, just go to the Desert with a Burmy and it'll become the Desert Burmy, or I think it's a cave, and for the other one go to any town or a city like Hearthome and it'll become the City Burmy.

  2. Burmy are unique in that they change forms dependent on where they last entered battle. In order to obtain each form, take Burmy into battle. It only needs to be active, once sent out, it can be switched out and still change it's form.

    Burmy will be in it's Plant Cloak form by default, and can be obtained by fighting in grassy areas.

    Burmy's Sandy Cloak form is obtained by battling in caves or on dirt

    and Burmy's Trash Cloak form is obtained by battling in buildings, such as Gyms.

    As a note, there is a man in Pastoria City who wishes to see all three forms of Burmy. It may be of some use to bring three Burmy (Plant, Sandy, and Trash) to this man. If you have all three in your party when you talk to him, he'll reward you with the Macho Brace.

  3. Yes, they will be. There are 3 forms of Burmy - Trash, Plant and Sandy Cloak.

    Plant Cloak - Have it to battle in grass

    Trash Cloak - Have it to battle in buildings

    Sandy Cloak - Have it to battle in caves

    In a house north of Pokemart is a boy who want to see Burmy. Bring the three forms of Burmy and he will reward you Macho Brace. (lowers the speed but raises the basic stats)

  4. No just same 3 attacks and level 1 if you have a ditto and a burmy than wait a while the an egg will come than talk to the old man outside the daycare.

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