
Pokemon Help, Diamond

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Pokemon Diamond Help

I right now have a team of Chimchar.

I need 5 other pokemon. Water, Flying, Grass, Psychic, Other.

What are 5 good pokemon,


I cant trade. Also I dont have a national Dex either cause whenever i ask a question people always say pokemon who i cant get. Like i asked for best water and they give me legandaries or some pokemon from the national dex. It is annoying, so please could i get some help with some pokemon that i can actually get. NO legandaries or pokemon from national dex since i dont have it. I just started the game.





  1. A good flying is starly. When it turns into Staraptor, it is really great. A good water would be a wingull which is also flying. A good grass would be bedew, but you have to wait until you get to eterna and go into the forest to find it. Psychic would be abra. You can find it outside of Jubilife. You have to throw out a poke ball or great ball the first turn, or else it runs away. It is kinda frustrating but you'll catch one eventually.

  2. My team is

    Piplup (Level 75)

    Pikachu (Level 70)

    Rapidash (Level 56)

    Roserade (Level 57)

    Staraptor (Level 58)

    Dialga (Level 57)

    I would suggest for you:






    Any other Pokemon

    That should make a well-ballenced team and when you grow out of those Pokemon you can always get new ones.

    Hope that helped =)

  3. A good water pokemon should be Floatzel

    A good flying Pokemon can be Staraptor

    A good grass Pokemon should be Roserade

    A good Psychic pokemon can be Bronzong or Azelf

    and i can use the last slot for a ground one like rampardos/garchomp, a steel type like Lucario or an electric type as Luxrai.

    Hope I Helped (;

  4. gah

    foolish he said he has just started the game how do you expect him to get a lucario and a azelf!

    the first three suggestions were good though, all you need at the start are foltazel and starly o and my personal favourite luxray (or it's firrst form anyways)

    hope i helped!
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