
Pokemon Needed to Complete Pokemon Diamond Team?!?

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If anyone has a Seedot, Totodile, Trapinch or a Nosepass and they are willing to trade them, could they please leave their name and friend code. My name is Craig and my friend code is 1547 7431 3037. The Pokemon that I am willing to trade are: Dragonair, Kingdra, Meganium, Milotic, Lairon, Armaldo, Salamence, Leafeon and a Lapras. As soon as you have replied with your name and friend code and the Pokemon that you want, please go straight onto the Nintendo WFC downstairs of the Pokemon Center. No Japanease names please and the levels can be anything below level 50. Please help. Thanks!!




  1. I have a Seedot. I'll trade it for a Meganium. Name is Laksh, Friend Code is 5026 6588 5807. Meet ya downstairs. ^_^

    Will you send the invite? I'm waiting for you.

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