
Pokemon Pearl?? How do u get boosted exp??

by Guest66810  |  earlier

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I have 4 pokemon that I have got over wifi trades and when you defeat a pokemon they get boosted exp. How can I make my other pokemon get boosted exp.




  1. You need a pokemon with the virus pokerus. After you get it place it in your box with other pokemon you want to have it.

  2. I am sorry to tell you this but your other pokemon won't be able to earn boosted exp. because only pokemon you receive from trades earn boosted exp. If you really want your pokemon to earn boosted exp. trade them to a friend and then ask your friend to trade them back to you. Your pokemon may lose their friendship level with you but they will earn boosted exp. points. There is also a virus called pokerus. Your pokemon get pokerus randomly. It's kinda rare if that happens but if it does, everytime  your pokemon level up, their stats will go higher than usual. Or just give your pokemon the exp. share/macho brace. Hope this helped ^^)

  3. well there are some ways...

    -get a traded pokemon from GTS or another version like POkemon Ruby/Saphire, Fire Red/Leaf Green....

    -give the pokemon in front of your party a lucky egg (wild chansey has it) or and Exp. share

    -Pokerus (a virus that the pokemon will love to have)

    and thats just about it!! ^^ hope it helped!

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