
Pokemon Pearl?????

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how do you find Uxie,Mespirit and Azef?

thanks for your answers :)




  1. the easiest way is to use master balls but other than that get the best poke balls you can and it takes time.

  2. one of them are at the lake in the snowy city. and Mespirit is at the very first lake but you will have to track him with an app. because he runs but I cant remember where the other is at sorry

  3. Uxie is at Lake Acuity

    Azelf is at Lake Valor

    Mesprit is at Lake Verity, but it will run away. You will have to track it with the Marking Map application on your Poketch.

  4. After you defeat Palkia the three legendaries  will be scattered across Sinnoh. Uxie is at Acuity Lake, Azelf is at Valor Lake, and Mesprit is at Lake Verity. They each start off at lvl. 50.

    Be sure to save before you fight each of them because they are only there once.

  5. after catching/fainting dialga you can go to the 3 lakes of sinnoh and surf to the middle of them to find a cavern with them located inside... azelf is at lake acuity uxie is at lake valor and mesprit is at lake verity... mesprit will flee as soon as you talk to it and you must use your marking map poketch app to track it... mesprit will always flee on the 1st turn of the battle any time you encounter it so bring a pokemon with mean look or block
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