
Pokemon Professor Exam tips?

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I want to try my hand at the Pokemon Prof. Program Exam. The problem is, I can't find any resources that can tell me what kind of questions I should prepare for. Are the exam Q's based on TCG Rules, cards, penalty situations, what? I'm not into cheating on tests, so please refrain from posting answers. Only qualified Pokemon Prof.s or those who tried it need apply. Spam answers, insults, or pointless comments get reported.




  1. I've been a Pokémon Professor for a close to three years now.  The exam is based largely on correctly applying rulings to scenarios given based on real cards.  That accounts for roughly half of the test.  The remaining questions are based on tournament operation rules and format/penalty guideline rulings.  A couple of great resources are the "Compendium Lv.X" at the Pokégym ( and of course the "Rules and Resources" link at the Organized Play official website (

    Hope this helps!

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