
Pokemon Team for Platinum-Good Start?

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I plan to Breed a team from Pearl(all level 1) and trade them onto Platinum when I get it. Is this a good start?

Modest Lapras

Adamant Beldum(will be Metagross)

Adamant/Jolly Gible(will be Garchomp)

What other 3 should I use? Need to be breedable to level one.

NOTE:Those 3 will be in there. I have them ready bred. I just cannot decide what other pokemon would go well.

Please offer more than one selection, of pokemon. Thanks :D

Note 2: I need a flying type so I can use fly, lol.




  1. You should have a well balanced fire type.  Infernape is pretty good, and so is Blaziken.  Magmotar is also legit.

    You also need atleast a couple walls (Metagross is a good defensive one).  A good special wall would be snorlax.  And snorlax has great HP.  You should probably get another physical attacker after that. Here's my team:







    It's a well ballenced and creative team.

  2. gible and beldum will b very hadr 2 level

    lapras is ok

    i thought tyrouge would b cool

    and gastly

    and elecid

  3. Well, Gible and Beldum are going to be some real pains to level, but they evolve into awesome Pokemon, so if you're a patient person, then go for it!

    Snorlax, Gliscor, and Blaziken... hmm...

    Snorlax : I would not go for a lazy nature, if you're using him for mainly offense, then go for something like Adament. Fighting types are your worst enemy with this, so have something Psychic to take it out.

    Gliscor : Gliscor's a good Pokemon to have, as for nature, I'd go with Docile. Have something ready to beat down those Rock types that you may encounter.

    Blaziken : Okay, for Blaziken, you should go with Brave. Make sure you have something to take out the Flying types with, because they will do some damage. Be cautious about Water, too.

    And so, you want a Flying type to use Fly.

    -Staraptor is an amazing Pokemon, but kind of basic. I can understand if you don't want to use it, but I definitely recommend it.

    -Honchkrow is also great. It is Dark/Flying I believe, and works awesome! Go for it, if you want, Murkrows can be found at night in Eterna Forest on Diamond.

    -Chatot I do not recommend. It may be great for a while in the game, but once you begin to reach the tough parts, it might not come through for you.

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