
Pokemon Trivia?

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1.In the first episode, why did Ash choose Pikachu as his starter?

2.What does Ash's mom always remind him about that embarasses him?

3.How does Pikachu evolve?

4.How does Ash obtain Totodile?

5.What level does Chikorita evolve into Bayleaf?

6.What character replaces Misty in the Hoenn Region?

7.What three of pokemon does the 5th gym leader of Hoenn use?

8.What two pokemon come from fossils in the Sinnoh Region?

9.What pokemon did Dawn start with?

10.What pokemon did James find that was his in his childhood?

And so I don't get reported:What do you hate most?




  1. 1-Becouse it was the only one left and ash overslept

    2-To change his underwear

    3-Whith a thunder stone and could with a stone from Gym leader from Kanto Lt. Sarge

    4-He catches it in a lake

    5-If im not mistaken LV 14


    7-a vigoroth and 2Slaking

    8-the pokemon from jungles-Cranidos and Shieldon


    10-Carnivine or growlith

  2. 1. he had no choice. (the 3 starters had been chosen)

    2. bed-wetting

    3. thunderstone

    4. dunno

    5. 16

    6. Walter or someone with W

    7. altaria, swellow and ...

    8. Lileep and Armadillo?

    9. whose Dawn?

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