
Pokemon breeding? i need help?

by  |  earlier

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does anyone know how to get good pokemon from eggs or can you only get pokemon the same as the ones breeding?




  1. well you can only get the pokemon that you breed 2 of but if you dont have to you can use a ditto and the pokemon any but lengendaries because they dont have a gender

  2. Well theres a pokemon that breeds a completel different pokemon than its self and thats Manaphy. Breed Manaphy you get Phione. Manaphy is a legendary pokemon and can only be obtained on Pokemon Ranger.

    You can get the same pokemon your breeding expect for:

    Pickachu: get pichu

    Jigglypuff: Iggybuff

    Electabuzz: Elekid

    Magmar: Magby

    Jnyx: Smoothchum

    Himontop: Tyorgue

    Wobberfeut: Wynaut. (only with lax incense)

    Snorlax: Munchlax (only with lax incense)

    Clefairy: Cleffa

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