
Pokemon coliseum:purifying pokemon?

by  |  earlier

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I rented the game like 2 years ago...and i just bought it today.haha so i've forgotten like almost all of what im suppose to do.i kno i have the time flute and relic tablet thing....but where do i go on that island town thing to purify them???i've been running around that island for like 15 min.the only thing i found was a cave the led to 2 red pokeboxes but the cave was a dead help me plz :/




  1. you neew to go to the place whare theres alot of trees,then you will find a to the relic and celibi will appear and purifiy your pokemon.hope that helps.

  2. go to relic city the city where t*t is made of wood and waterfalls go near the pokemon center and go down to the left and thaje the cave where there is a man in blue and orange overalls and take that cave all the way down to the end hope this helps.

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