
Pokemon diamond and pearl friend code

by  |  earlier

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i have no one in my friend roster and looking for people who are on most of the time because i want to battle with some one and mabye trade but arent obsessed with pokemon. name is pokemon game name is Harry and fc is 1890 8154 9488




  1.  hello

    my name is alex

  2. hey guy i m the guy under this note now if you want to trade i ll trade you ALAMOS darkrai, TRU arceus, SHINY ho-ho, SHINY lugia, SHINY giratina, and other, cool, SHINY, lv 100 pokemons if you call me at 954-530-1712. i ll trade you 1 or 2 of those for a SHADOW lugia. i also want to battle .

    my friend code is 2278-7839-9031

    and name is *KEVIN*

    please call

  3. my code is 2750-9575-1907
    if you want to battle or trade call me at 954-530-1712
    pokemon wanted for trade:SHADOW lugia
    willing to trade for SHADOW lugia :ALAMOS darkrai
    or TRU arceus

  4. hey my names matt e mail me at for friend code trading. (im looking for a good chalange)
    code is 5070 4472 4290

  5. anybody there??? my name is Tyler and my friend code is 3910 7462 8522

  6. hey faith my name is Tyler and my friend code is 3910 7462 8522

  7. hey faith my name is Tyler and my friend code is 3910 7462 8522

  8. My name is Faith
    code:3566 4092 5601

  9. mine is azoarang

    fc:  3007 4736 4116

  10. hii my name is jd on the game and my friend code is 2579 3009 9138
    addd me as soon as possible

  11. My name is Sae
    My friend code is 3953-5468-1251

  12. Name: Shelby
    FC: 1419 4783 0821
    Please add me! I'll trade and battle!

  13. anyone add me plzzz

  14. my friend code name
    4683 6618 6222

  15. My name is Todd
    my code is - 3008- 5544-2217
    my email is
    someone please battle and trade with me

  16. Danny or Anyone, I'm Sean
    Code- 4812-4759-3931
    my email is
    leave your codes and I will get back with whoever wants to battle

  17. Danny or Anyone, I'm Sean
    Code- 4812-4759-3931

  18. DANNY 3481 0825 9715

  19. anyone on now?
    code 1290 4682 4794
    name joey

  20. pokemon battle lv.100 no legendaries

  21. hello anyone

  22. add me my name is Mavrick my fc is 0517-4828-9106

  23. add me too  name AWAIS(all capitals)  friend code 0087 2225 9553

  24. add me 33940685108581 my msn is add my msn to to tell me ur frend code and to go online and trade or fite!!!!

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