
Pokemon diamond and pearl terminology?

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what do UU and OU and whateever else there is mean




  1. This link provides a lot of good D/P jargon:

    UU, I think, stands for Underused and OU mean Overused.

    EV's are Effort Values.  They're kind of hard to explain but they can increase your poke's stats by a LOT.  Each pokemon you beat gives a certain number of EV points (check a reference list) in one or more stats.  For every 4 effort points in one stat, the pokemon gains 1 more actual point in that stat when it levels up.  A pokemon has a maximum of 516 max effort points availible to 'spend'.

    Example:  A Garchomp has high base speed and attack.  Without EV training, it will waste effort points on stats that it normally never uses, like Special Attack.  

    A Garchomp that is, say, level 50 and beats 20 Bibarel (which give 2 EV's in attack each) will get a bonus (20*2)/4 points boost in attack when it levels up, a 10 point attack boost!  And even more if it is equipped with a certain 'power' item, which give extra EV's.

    So EV training is really hard and takes a long time but can make your pokemon more powerful in its dominant stats.

    IV's are individual values, each pokemon has different ones, they provide a slight boost or drop in some stats.  These are impossible to change unless you find a new pokemon.  Don't worry about these too much.  

    Below are some links to help you out.  Good luck.

  2. I believe they are "Over Used" and "Under Used".

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