
Pokemon fans only pls?

by Guest44881  |  earlier

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okay, lets dream big. a pokemon theme park where u can c all 493 pkmn. good idea? any ideas 4 rides?




  1. magikarp rapid ride?

  2. Nintendo theme park! Would be super awesome.

    Pokémon Snap - Brilliant idea! (Didn't bother to read other ideas)

  3. Pokémon Snap-Interactive dark ride where you take pics of pokémon through different locations using the attached camera. You score more points for rarer Pokémon.

    Team Magma: Volcanic Manic!-Climb aboard a giant drilling machine and explore the Cave of Origins. You see ancient ruins but are guarded by a magical gate so you drill through the walk which leads to the indoor rollercoaster section. You then enter the ruins to find team magma. They attack you which causes the ruins to start to crumble. In a race to the finish, you encounter a giant Groudon animitronic before your vehicle drops and rides down the side of the mountain before entering the station. Each time a vehicle is shot out the volcano, fire can be seem erupting from the top.  

    Team Aqua: Submerged!-Located beneath the structure holding the above ride, is Team Aqua: Submerged! You ride in a submarine with the intent of studying some of the reefs. However, a storm causes you to take cover in a cave which you see shipwrecks, ancient ruins, Gyrados, Team Aqua, and finally, an encounter with Kyogre.

  4. voltorb tea cups

  5. a roller coaster where you ride garados or onix???

    pikachu bumper cars

    water ride w/ squrtile

    and another rollercoaster w/a tour of the park

    where u ride inside a stampede of all the pokemon
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