
Pokemon mystery dongoen, blue rescue team?

by  |  earlier

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i hav beet requaza now i am try to evolve, but i cant make only one pokemon enter so it wont let me through, wat do i do, step by step to get through




  1. go 2 the friend area where the pokemon on ur team r and kick them of the the team 4 the time being cuz they will aways be there 2 recruit make sure no1 is in ur party then go down there and evolve

    once they r evolved go 2 the friend area and recruit a pokemon u want 2 evolve recruit them and then make them leader then go 2 the former leader (U) and kick him out then evolve him

    if the pokemon u r trying 2 evolve needs an item like a thunderstone, firestone, waterstone, etc bring it and u should evolve

    if ur pokemon needs 2 be traded then go there and bring a link cable and u should evolve or if they need 2 be traded wit an item like scyther needs a metal coat bring a link cable and the item it should evolve

    certain pokemon like babies like elekid or magby need 2 hav a high IQ 2 evolve feed them gummies until IQ is high enough and they should evolve

    Note: i dont no where 2 find the link cable item i used an action replay 2 give me all items in storage

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