
Pokemon pearl and diamond trades?

by  |  earlier

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I really need a shiny pokemon i will trade anything i have for a shiny my fc is 0130 4007 7749

the pokemon im trading are

aipom lvl78

volbeat lvl50

garchomp lvl61

phione lvl 1

ledian lvl 52

camerupt lvl 55

macargo lvl 56

cacturne lvl 53

togepivlvl 23

weezing lvl 55




  1. .........Do u have other pokemons. cuz, I already have those.........

    I am trying to fill up my National Dex.....

    So, if any1 wanna help(trade) me or wanna battle then here is my code....

    name: AMIT BD

    fc: 4683 0526 9469  

  2. ok mines MEGAN (all in caps)

    code 2922 1326 1769

    have u still got phione

  3. i can giv u a lvl 100 ambipom or a lvl 99 scizor for the garchomp

  4. have you got any lv 100s ive got a shiny charizard lvl 100 shiny hooh lvl 100 etc

  5. i got lodes unhacked wot is the name of ur fc or we cnt trafde mine is nathan and 0259 2548 9611 add to question urs

    god sake ur fc is wrong sort it out

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