
Pokemon pearl for nintendo ds lite?

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ok i have been playing pokemon pearl and i have all 8 badges and i am about to face the pokemon league and althought i have not lost one pokemon battle yet on this game i was wondering since some of my pokemon are about level 30 to 50 i was wondering if there was away for you to duplicate rare candy like you could in pokemon yellow blue and red on the old gameboy systems?

(yes i know battling wild pokemon are good to raise levels but they are of no challange i usually 1 hit ko all of them that come out at me.)




  1. Using rare candy isn't really a good way to raise levels. Sure your level will go up, but the stats won't raise as well as opposed to raising levels from battling.

    I don't think there is any way to duplicate rare candy. All I can suggest is to go to a grassy area and battle, battle, battle. It might take a bit longer, but your stats will be very good. Also, it might help if all your pokemon on your team are at level 50+ for the Elite 4.

    Edit: If you try duplicating an item, or duplicating anything with the GTS you can get banned from trading pokemon on there.

  2. sort of, but it takes like 15-30 min to clone one pokemon holding an item. it has to do with the GTS, the trading place. you are better of training in the wild or using the vs seeker

  3. There is a really stupid and dodgy cheat that lets you duplicate Pokemon and hold items using the Global Trade Station (GTS) but it's a really slow process and if they catch you trying to do this they will ban your game card from entering the GTS and they will always give you an anoying message that says something like:

    "Sorry, but Nintendo WFC could not log you into the GTS at this time. Please try again later."

    The technology in gaming these days are much more improved and advanced since the old Gameboy games and Nintendo has been very aware of the hacks available and have made it so that can not happen to their games anymore. The only way to duplicate Rare Candy(s) is to do that GTS trick.

    And before entering the Elite Four, make sure your Pokemon are at least level 55 or 60 to have a better chance of not losing. Also, stock up on Revives and Full Restores.

  4. try that might help u  

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