
Pokemon pearl help??/?

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How do i get my charizard happy enough to let it Learn blast burn???




  1. always use your charizard to battle. also feed it with lots of poffins.(make sure it has to be the taste it likes). never let it faint!

  2. charizard dosent learn blast burn. you have to find this guy that teaches it to him

  3. 1) let him hold the soothe bell. the sooth bell can be find in route 217 in that pokemon mansion if u speak at a specific servent.

    2)dont let him faint.thats important to be happy with u.

    3)IF u have a lot of ribons go to the house thats at the resort area and let the servents or watever do masaje or whatever to your charizard.

    4)u can olso masaje your charizard to be happy with u in veilstone city(u can olso get items wile masajing your charizard)

    if u want to check how happy your charizard is with u get that pokecheck thingy or go in route that route there will be a house with a man in it that will tell u how happy he is.

    i hope i helped.oh and sorry if they are eny grammar mestakes becouse i was rushing a bit :S
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