
Pokemon pearl question? ?

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ok so im in sunnyshore city (pearl) and i found the gym but there is a guy in front of it and he says that the gym leader isnt there and he says i have to give a hot battle but where is he if i knew where he was then i could probably give him a hot battle. best answer get chosen as best!!




  1. he is in the lite house( the building with the big light) go in the elavator talk to the guy he will leave ,now go to the gym and then u can battle him.

  2. if i remember rite, u go to spear piller and fight palkia.

  3. Volknor (gym leader) is in the lighthouse, the big building south-east corner of Sunnyshore City. go up the elavator and talk to the blonde hair guy, he'll say some stuff about not wanting to be a gym leader anymore or something, then he'll leave. You will then be able to go into the gym, he uses electric type, so use ground or rock.

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