
Pokemon question !!!!!!!!!!!?

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what do sp attack, sp defense and speed do in the game




  1. sp attack is for super effective attacks and how hard they will hit, sp defence is super effective attacks on you and how hard you get hit, and speed is who hits first in the battle

  2. not sure about sp att and sp def    but i think speed helps you attack first and possibly make it easier to dodge attacks

  3. Special Attack:

    When you make a 'super effective move' against your opponent and it hits then you get 'sp attack points'. The more sp attack points you get, the stronger that move will be against types of pokemon that are weak against your type of pokemon.


    Your Empoleon uses hydro cannon against my Infernape then if it hits you get some sp attack points, because fire is weak to water.

    Special Defense:

    When you opponent makes a 'super effective move' against you, if you don't die on the first hit, then you get some 'sp defence points', the more sp defence points you get the more likely it is you will survive a super effective move.


    My Torterra uses frenzy plant against you Empoleon, but you don't get knocked out, you will get some 'sp defence points'


    Speed is how quickly your pokemons move is in combat, the more speed points you have, the more likely you will have your move before your opponents.

    Hope I helped and good luck =]

  4. Joe J is wrong.

    The attack stat is divided into two categories; Special Attack and Attack.  The Special Attack stat determines how strong your special attack will be, while the Attack stat determines the strength of a physical attack.

    Defense stats are also divided into two categories.  Defense and Special Defense.  A higher defense stat will result on how much damage is mitigated.  Defense corresponds with Physical attacks and Special Defense corresponds to Special Attacks.

    Speed is self explanatory. It justifies which Pokemon moves first in a battle.

    Note: Special Attack and Special Defense stats has NOTHING to do with a super-effective attack.

    Just go to this link:

  5. sp attack.. its hard 2 explain but i can give u example. if ur pokemon has high sp att, the chance of ur pokemon to put special condition such as sleep, paralyze and poison on ur opponent is higher. If u have high sp def, it is less likely 4 ur pokemon 2 get affected with those conditions.  Higher speed indicates that u will get the first turn after selecting an att command.

  6. special defence protects you against special attacks, special attack boosts the power of special moves you use like flamethrower special attacks are moves that do not touch the opponent and speed can make you make the first move

  7. theyre good, i know that much

  8. the sp attack helps with attack that are non physical( like hyper beam, blizzard , et cetera) most of the attacks are special.

    sp defense is for standing the special attacks like those 4 example i have a lv71 rhyperior he has 80 sp def and when he gets a hit with a special attack he faints instantly(im telling the truth) now he has good special def and he can hold up to any attack and sp attack.

    and speed only makes you go first it doesnt make you dodge the attack only go first.

    hope i helped

  9. Special Attack- Determines how much damage that Pokemon can do with special attacks, like Attack does for physical attacks.  In D/P, attacks where the Pokemon makes contact with the target are physical, like Tackle or Thunderpunch, while the more ranged attacks, like Surf and Solarbeam, are special.  In the previous games, though, all attacks of each type were either physical or special, like all Grass attacks were special and all Normal attacks were physical.  Some Pokemon can use both kinds of attacks effectively, but most are better at one than the other.

    Special Defense- Determines how much or how little damage the Pokemon takes from special attacks.  Defense is the same, but for physical attacks.  Many Pokemon are better at defending against one kind of attack than against the other.  Vaporeon, for example, has awesome Special Defense, so special attacks don't hurt it much, but its low Defense makes it vulnerable to physical attacks.

    Speed- When two Pokemon are battling, the one that's faster will always go first (barring moves that always go first or second no matter what).  In double battles, they take turns in order from fastest to slowest.  A Pokemon with a high stat in either of the Attack stats will often have low defenses, so it also needs lots of Speed so it can live long enough to take out its opponents.  It's not so important for a defensive Pokemon, though, because they can take hits while doing their job and need to focus on the defenses and HP rather than the Speed, which is good because something like Bronzong is always no matter what going to be a lot slower than, say, Garchomp or Salamence (unless you use Trick Room).

    ...I'm honestly surprised at how many people think the Special stats do things that they don't do and have no idea where they got those ideas.  O_o

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