
Pokemon sapphire question?

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about how long does it take for two pokemon to make an egg at the day care center?




  1. If you have just go to fortree city by walking then go back to mauville...if there's still no egg go to fortree again ... i did  it  around 30+minutes.

  2. wut i do is, i fly at the town where i first started then i challenge the trainers again until i get to the mossdeep city..

    idk it depends on how many footsteps u get while walkin,

    or maybe its about 1 - 2 hours of game play..

  3. it depends. when u put the pkmn in the day care, talk to the old guy. if it says someting like they rather play with other pokemon than eachother, then its impossible to make one with those two. also, one of them has to be a female and the other one has to be a male. the egg will hatch the first evolution of the female pokemon. like, if ur raichu is a girl, it will hatch a pichu. the hatched pokemon will not be the male one. like if ur raichu is a male, u wont get a pichu unless ur female is. the easiest way to make an egg and get the pkmn u want is by using ditto. by using ditto, u can make the other pokemon u stick with it, even if its a if u get a blaziken and a ditto, u will get a torchic.

    it doesnt take long for ur pokemon to make an egg. just keeeeeep on walking. ur pkmn makes an egg every 256 steps. so if u have a 70% chance of getting an egg, when u get 256 steps, u have a 70% chance of getting the egg. if u have 50% then u have 50% chance of getting an egg.every 256 step, u should just check the old guy. it doesnt matter how long u leave ur game open. it all depends on the number of steps.

  4. You have to fly to a different place, run around for a little while and then come back. There should be an egg.

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