
Poker MTT's?!?!?

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I always seem to be able to just get down to in and around where the money starts to get paid in MTT's, but im always shortstacked and having to go all in soon after, any tips on reversing this? answers from people who play regurley would be greatly apprieciated please.




  1. You gotta pay more attention to the other players and how they react when certain cards are laid out, based on their betting. Like if there is a flop 5/diamonds, 9/hearts, then you get the King/spades, and the betting com menses and you got the one guy who decides to raise high, then its common sense that he either has a pair of kings or he is bluffing and you gotta be the judge. But you don't wanna bluff with him because if it goes on and on and at the show down you got a 3/hearts, and a 7/spades, and he has a 8/spades, and a King/spades then your screwed and out of alot of money. The reason you are shortstacked is because you either ride the hand out till the very last card and don't know when to fold, or you bet to much on nothing and don't consider what anyone else has around you.

  2. You are playing it too safe. That works great for MTT where everyone gets the same prize such as satellite but does not work well for most prize structures where the money is concentrated heavily in the few top spots.

  3. Sounds like you are playing scared and just trying to make the money.

    As you play a MTT tourney you always want to be around the avg stack. If you drop to a low stack you need to use Harrington's system. THe goal should not be to cash but to make big cash at the FT.

  4. Well I wouldn't call this playing scared but you're putting a bit too much weight on staying in there and not enough weight on your stack size.  On the other hand you've got to pick your spots to grow your stack and can't start playing foolish.  You want to look at playing against the big looser stacks who have gotten lucky and are getting a little cocky maybe and look to milk them with better hands.  You're pretty close to getting paid though so I wouldn't do anything too drastic - just play around with this.

    King Cobra Poker
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