
Poker Tournament I Need Help W/ Chip Denominations, Needed # of Colors of Chips, and Needed # of Chips?

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Me and my friend have the occasional poker tournament. # of players range from 4-9, usually around 6-7. I'm about to buy a new set, I'm thinking 500 chips is sufficient. Does 4 or 5 colors sound better? maybe 200,150,100,50? or should i get 150/150/100/100?

Also what should the denominations be based on ?



for four colors



If you have any ideas on anything else that may pose a problem please let me know? Thanks for your help




  1. You should have about 1000 chips if you are planning on having a fun, professional-made poker tournament. Anywhere from 4-6 colors will suffice...And, if you fall in love with a set w/o denominations, then just create a sheet listing them. If they do have denominations, they should be 1/2/5/10/20/25

  2. Use to answer any question you may have. This is the best side devoted to home poker tournaments and will allow you to have a well-organized, fun game.

  3. do not always use high priced chips

  4. I have a set of 500 with four colors, but I generally only use 3.  Here's what we do

    total chips = $2,500

    12 White = $25

    12 Red = $100

    2 Blue = $500

    Generally we start wit $25/$50 for blinds

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