
Poker question:?

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I'm playing online no limit hold'em for cash, (50c,1$) I have about $35 in front of me. I limp in the cut off with Ac,2c

No raises. $4 in the pot.

Flop comes 7c,8c,Jh

Guy in 1st position goes all in for $41!!

I think he has hit his straight, do I call with my nut flush draw?

(I'll tell you what happened later!)




  1. i would fold .

  2. You are absolutely getting terrible odds to make this call.  This should be a very easy fold.

    My guess would be he had something like two pair or a set and is trying to protect his hand from a draw.  But either way, you should have tossed your hand.

  3. If you didn't fold, you made the wrong play, regardless of if you hit or not.

  4. I would fold.  That's only because I never hit my draws.  Every once in a while I'll get the straight.  The flush?  Forget it.

  5. You have to ask yourself, why would the guy go all-in if he flopped the straight?? Wouldn't he want to get paid off and make some money on that huge hand??

    If the guy has shown himself to be a loose lunatic making crazy all-ins and raises, then I would call.

    If he is somewhat a tight player then I would probably lay that hand down. Assuming he does have the straight, you are a 65% to 35% dog in this scenario. Lay it down and wait for a better hand later.

  6. Assuming no one else called . . .

    No, you will be committing way too much money in hopes of making your hand, when he already may have; and, if he already had made it, you are a 3:1 dog.

    Regardless of what you put him on (with the very limited info you have), I'd always opt to save my money for a better situation.

    If the button and/or blinds are still in this pot, it makes it even a worse call.

  7. Fold, you have about a 35% chance of hitting.

  8. No, you do not call.  The only hand you could possibly be ahead of is a bluff.  Even he just has a pair of 7's, you still only have 9 clubs and 3 aces as outs which makes you about 48% to catch and win, and that is the best case scenario.

    Regardless, we know you called because you wouldn't post this otherwise.  Did he have the straight?  Or was he on a bluff and you have somehow convinced yourself it was a good call?  Which it wasn't.

  9. The pot is a total of $45 and you need to call $41, giving you about 1-1 Pot odds.

    Because you have the nut flush draw, you have 9 outs (assuming that your A is not alive too) and thus have a 1-2 chance (About 34% chance) of hitting your draw.

    Thus No, folding will be a better option, if there was $82 in the pot and then you were to call $41 then it would have been a break even decison.

  10. This is an easy fold.

  11. Even assuming your A is good (say he has top pair and a straight draw) you're only looking at 12 outs twice which is a slight underdog.

    Given that the pot odds are  ~even money, it's a fold whether you think he has the straight or not.

    If you are ABSOLUTELY sure he's bluffing ... it's still a fold.  There's plenty of ways he could be bluffing and STILL have you dominated (say A7o for example.)

    He'd have to have no pair, no draw, no nothing before you should consider a call here, and there's just no way to be that certain.

  12. no way fold that......thats 40 bucks on a draw and with the odds at online poker sites you don't have a great chance of hitting

  13. The pot size is now $45 and you have $34 dollars in front of you.  If you think the bettor has a straight, then you are not getting pot odds to call.  Fold.

    If you think the bettor has one pair, then you are not getting pot odds to call.  Fold.

    If you think the player has a combo draw, say 9c Qc then you are the favorite. Call.

  14. call him hes bluffing and you could hit your flush

  15. Theres one big factor in this decision. And that is the size of your bankroll. If you are low and dont have a lot of money left, then fold easily. If it doesnt hit, you are stuck with Ace high with a weak kicker and a busted bankroll. One other scenario that makes it worse, is that if he has the straight which is what you put him on too, and the 9  10 straight he has is clubs too, then hes taking your outs. You are now reduced to seven outs. Catching the ace is no good either.

    However, if you have a decent bankroll, and some decent luck too, you could probably make the call. Because if you lose, you won't be busted. Having a little less than a coin flip shot, ESPECIALLY ONLINE, is acctually a pretty good shot. Alot of sites seem to favor the Ace Rag, so your Ace 2 was probably golden.

    And by the way you said I'll tell you what happened later. I'm sure you called, otherwise we wouldnt know the outcome and this question is pointless, I'll acctualy put him on to a set, and you catch the flush on turn, and he gets the boat on river. HAHAHA, since its online.

    (wow, suprised no one else mention the 9  10 being clubs and taking your outs)

  16. you need a club on the river to win.  You are at the gambling junction of a card hand.  Most people would have tossed your hole cards in and never gotten as far as you are.  Might as well shop for you last card.  I would.  But, actually, I would have never stayed in as long as you did.
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