
Poker strategy? After flop.?

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What do I do if I have let's say something like a queen king, or a good starting hand, and the flop comes up and i have nothing besides High Card, and there is three people left that could possibly have a pair, to beat me.




  1. fold kid, or check

  2. Well if you check your are inviting someone else to bet, unless you are last to act.

    Some people suggest that you should put in a continuation bet on the flop.  Presumably you raised pre-flop with your good starting hand.  So you represented strength pre-flop, and now you are representing that you made your hand better, or your hand didn't need improving.

    The problem is that if you attempt to bluff three people, one of them could call.  So it all depends on your position, your table image (both recent and longer term), what you know about your opponents, and lots more.  There is no one correct answer here.

  3. anythings possible, to many options, theres 2 times to fold.....when you look at your cards, and after the your best poker.......

  4. Well this answer can be quite involved but i will try and keep it simple. There are a few variables to consider , 1) what position are you , do you have an advantage over the other players by say being on the button. Do you have reads on your opponents , do you believe you can outplay them with just having a high card. ( are they amateurs or players who have played quite occasionally.) 3)  Id suggest that if u are first to act , your best bet is to check and see what occurs. If players after you act, fold , you have two overs  and can quite possibly be drawing slim. Theres no need to be getting involved with such marginal holdings. IF they all check around , id stab about half pot sized bet at any card that peels off. If you get a caller and you didnt hit ,  theres a good chance he connected or is drawing. If you hit the river say a K or Q and you think you are good check call. If you lead out and he pops you do you do ? You will have to fold as likely he was slowplaying you with a set or two pairs.

    So overall , dont get yourself involved in marginal holdings in a multiway pot with unknows.

  5. If no one else had bet when it came to me, even in early position, I might bet out a little to scare as many people as I can out. Maybe no one has anything and they all fold, or maybe only one person stays in and you catch the highest pair on the turn. However, if anyone bets, or even raises my bet, I would fold.

  6. if you are first to act, bet about half to 2/3 of the pot. if you are called or raised, fold. this works very often and only needs to work 1 out of 3 times for you to make a profit.

  7. this depends on who your playing against tight players you bet into ussually they will fold a low pair to your worse hand loose players who like to chase you may want to be more cautious with

  8. fold

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