
Poker tips?

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any good and useful tips for playing texas holdem?




  1. Texas Holdem is such a complicated game that it is pretty hard to give someone advice on how to play properly but I will try.

    1. Tight-Aggressive playing style always works best. What this means is that you don't play many hands, but when you decide to play them, you are raising with them rather than calling.

    2. Only play quality hands. You should only be playing about 25% of your hands. Good hands are 77+,AK,AQ,AJ, KQ.

    3. Always reraise with your High pairs(AA,KK,QQ) If someone raises to you, reraise them back.

    4. Bluffing is to be used very sparingly.

    5. Be careful of low kickers. If you have A5 and the flop is AQ4, you should be careful. You have the highest pair but anyone with A6,A7,A8,A9,AT,AJ,AQ,AK will beat you. Thats a lot of hands.

    6. The best way to learn is to actually play poker. Try some free games online or no $$ games with friends and you can learn a lot faster than by taking someones advice.

    If you want more advanced advice I suggest you buy a Poker Book or go to "" They have great advice on poker.

    The best piece of advice and Holdem tips I can give you is what I call D.A.P. Here is how it relates to Texas Holdem Online Strategy No Limit Poker.


    Without discipline you'll become easy prey at the tables. Part of your texas holdem strategy should be mucking trash hands before the flop. Too many players are willing "to pay to see the flop." They get involved in hands they had absolutely no business playing.

    Texas Holdem Poker Strategy #1:Learn the "art of the fold." Fold TRASH hands pre-flop.


    Napoleon Hill said, "If you think you are beaten, you are. If you think you dare not, don't. If you like to win, but you think you can't, it is almost certain you won't."

    Texas Holdem Poker Strategy #2:Have a positive attitude. Focus on winning.


    Annie Duke said, "Good poker players are boring poker players." Televised poker has spoiled us. TV makes us think we've got to always be a part of the action. What TV doesn't show is the countless hands that Daniel Negreanu or Gus Hansen folded.

    You might be at a table folding your first 15-30 hands. Boring! Don't get impatient just to get some action.

    Texas Holdem Poker Strategy #3:.If you are patient, the good cards WILL come!

    "The two most powerful warriors are patience and time."

    You've unlatched the gate on your journey to master texas holdem online strategy no limit poker. The links below take you on your next steps...

  2. Play smart, disciplined, tight, calm, and aggressive when need be.

  3. slow play

  4. Try some poker strategies. You can find them in books and online. You can also try online poker schools. I even bought WSOP for XBOX 360 and this even helped me.

  5. pot odds is probably the most important thing you will ever learn about playing poker. pretty much all strategy starts with pot odds.

  6. The best piece of advice and Holdem tips  I can give you is what I call D.A.P. Here is how it relates to Texas Holdem Online Strategy No Limit Poker.


    Without discipline you'll become easy prey at the tables. Part of your texas holdem strategy should be mucking trash hands before the flop. Too many players are willing "to pay to see the flop." They get involved in hands they had absolutely no business playing.

    Texas Holdem Poker Strategy #1:Learn the "art of the fold." Fold TRASH hands pre-flop.


    Napoleon Hill said, "If you think you are beaten, you are. If you think you dare not, don't. If you like to win, but you think you can't, it is almost certain you won't."

    Texas Holdem Poker Strategy #2:Have a positive attitude. Focus on winning.


    Annie Duke said, "Good poker players are boring poker players." Televised poker has spoiled us. TV makes us think we've got to always be a part of the action. What TV doesn't show is the countless hands that Daniel Negreanu or Gus Hansen folded.

    You might be at a table folding your first 15-30 hands. Boring! Don't get impatient just to get some action.

    Texas Holdem Poker Strategy #3:.If you are patient, the good cards WILL come!

    "The two most powerful warriors are patience and time."

    You've unlatched the gate on your journey to master texas holdem online strategy no limit poker. The links below take you on your next steps...

  7. Hope this helps, here is a link to a lot of good free poker strategy.

  8. Theres a few useful tips at

    But to really improve your game its best to use software to analyse your play and suggest improvements. You can get such software if you play via

  9. Sandbag - no matter how good your cards are... sont bet on the first round so they'll oponents think you dont have anything too good. just call their bets if they do. Or if they dont, bet.. but not too big. At the final round of betting, thats when you fire.. when they've already invested money som will think twice about folding.

    Sandbagging also lets you read players more... since you lt them make the moves at the beginning

  10. Texas Holdem is such a complicated game that it is pretty hard to give someone advice on how to play properly but I will try.  

    1. Tight-Aggressive playing style always works best.  What this means is that you don't play many hands, but when you decide to play them, you are raising with them rather than calling.  

    2. Only play quality hands. You should only be playing about 25% of your hands.  Good hands are 77+,AK,AQ,AJ, KQ.  

    3. Always reraise with your High pairs(AA,KK,QQ)  If someone raises to you, reraise them back.  

    4. Bluffing is to be used very sparingly.  

    5. Be careful of low kickers.  If you have A5 and the flop is AQ4, you should be careful.  You have the highest pair but anyone with A6,A7,A8,A9,AT,AJ,AQ,AK will beat you.  Thats a lot of hands.

    6. The best way to learn is to actually play poker.  Try some free games online or no $$ games with friends and you can learn a lot faster than by taking someones advice.

    If you want more advanced advice I suggest you buy a Poker Book or go to ""  They have great advice on poker.

  11. There are so many different factors with Holdem, could go on all night!  But there are a lot of tips and strategies and even a strategy book on this site.  Check it out at:
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