
Polar bears endangered!?

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I'm getting mixed responses from people. Straight out question: Are polar bears currently endangered or not?




  1. If you go strictly by the "endangered species" listings, no Polar bears are not on the list.

  2. in short, yes.

    as of may 14. "Today I am listing the polar bear as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act," Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne said.

    honestly i dont think the US has done the proper research and is jumpiong on this green bandwagon.  Canada, owners of a ton more arctic wilderness, does NOT have the polar bear listed as endangered.

  3. No. They have gained from 5000 to 25,000 in the last 40 years.

    Just because you saw it on TV doesn't make it true. Example-Gore's movie is full of falsehoods.

  4. no, they're not on the endagered list and never have been----check it out

  5. No, they aren't.

    In truth, they would benefit from global warming.  Their population is growing--it is up four or five fold in the last forty years.

  6. Hmm....

    The polar bears are not YET endangered but they are very close to the point where they are about to be endangered.

  7. Im pretty sure they are. Whoever said their poulation is up 300 % is a d**k! The polar ice caps are melting so they have less room to live. yada yada yada. Im not going to go on about it but yes they are. If they wernt people wouldnt use them as an example for the effect of global warming.

    Oh and to the **** head who said they are benefiting from global warming needs a cerious reality cheak. Just cuz they say it on google doesnt mean its true you ****! **** I hate incompetence!

  8. Yes. If you watch the Discovery Channel you will see some polar bears stuck on little ice cubes floating out to sea. They end up starving to death and drowning. Global warming is a real thing, but people are living in denial thinking "oh the earth is going to be around forever." So a very big YES to your question. Don't listen to what other people say.

  9. well, endangered means animal specie which soon could be extinct, which is at a high risk of extinction!

    due to melting ice caps polar bears are losing their habitat which results in a decrease in their number because no one can live without a home in unfavourable conditions!

    if the number will go on decreasing like that so there are possibilities that they will extinct

    so in my opinion they are endangered!!!

    when a specie is once identified as "endangered" strict measures are taken to improve their number

    like in the case of Polar bears

    efforts are made for their protection to have an increase in their number!

    thats why some people may consider that they are not endangered but they are


    so find for any research or article online which will be more convincing!

  10. theyre threathened


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