
Police Arrested Me!?

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So I'm an 18 year old male whom over the following night went a a big party at a girls house. It was all really fun and then the annoying SOB's of police arrive... in 7 cruisers. We all approach the front door after the police have already let themselves (illegally) into the house. The police start demanding answers and telling everyone to get outside. To avoid confrontation, most of us do. However, then he demands we leave immediately. I however am shoeless. My shoes are inside the house but still I bargain to try to get shoes to walk home in. He instead arrests me and charges me with disobeying a police officer and now I'm due in court. Is this fair? What should I do?




  1. The key statements are that you went to a big party and that seven cruisers showed up.  If there was a reasonable suspicion that a crime was being committed in the house, even somethin as small as underage drinking, the police did not need a warrant or permission to enter the house.  They did not enter illegally.  Truthfully they were giving everybody a chance to leave and avoid trouble.

  2. it sounds like you didn't put the whole story, its not protocol, to barge into someones house(especially when they aren't drinking(especially underage) and listening to loud music)

    I mean, you had to have broken the law? am I right?

  3. Maybe you should listen to what the Police tell you next time. I'm sure they didn't come to that home for a barbecue. They don't just bust parties for sport. Yes, that's fair. Next time, let the Cops know your intentions. You'll probably get this dismissed but let it be a lesson.

  4. Disobeying a police officer is a fairly minor charge, you'll probably get off with a fine. Next time forget the shoes and disappear into the darkness.

  5. You show up in court, state your case, and see what the judge says.  I would recommend a lawyer.

    Good luck, though.  Cops don't usually respond to ordinary noise complaints with 7 cruisers.  That tells me that either this was a huge party, or they expected trouble, or something else was going on.  Have the residents given huge parties before?  Have they had the police show up before?  Were the residents known for causing problems with the police?  There's more to your story than you're telling us.

  6. Don't talk to the cops without a lawyer.  You probably need a lawyer to go to court with you.  I'm guessing it was noise complaint - if there was no underage drinking going on the cops should have just told you to quieten down.  Breaking up a party in a private home is a bit over the top, assuming no one who owns the home complained.  Disobeying a police officer sounds kind of stupid for a charge - sounds like your party interrupted the donut party THEY were having!!

  7. No that does not sound fair...but from the officers point of view he may have thought you were going inside to get a gun or a knife and he probably wanted to get home safely to his family....cops are people too.

  8. Either:

    A. Get a lawyer because you are a bit misguided calling police SOB's.  This is admissable as evidence.


    B. Plead not guilty and work through the process.

    You did not indicate if you were consuming alcohol.  If you were the whole story is completely different.

  9. well you can fight the whole thing about him not letting you get your shoes but its not an illegal entery. if its a party with underaged people and alcohol and drugs may be presant then they can legally walk in the house.

  10. Thats a shame police always apprehend the innocent and just goes to show the tiny level of disobedience or self interest can negatively effect the rest of an individauls life in society- thanks to the cops.  What a total waste of money bringing this to court.

    Next time make like 'Zola Bud' and forget the shoes-just split the scene.

    Perhaps you can turn up at court in a suit an without shoes! to prove a point... dont do that, the judge will not get the joke and throw a very heavy book at you.

  11. get a lawyer tell him about the cops illegal entry and the fact they were trespassing should get you off then sue

  12. yeah, it's fair!  you were pushing your luck by trying to get your shoes, they were letting you go, why would you test their patience?

    and i doubt it was illegal entry.  they're allowed to enter without permission if underage drinking is suspected (which it seems is the case)

    just bite the bullet and deal with the fact that you got arrested, and do what they tell you to do.  you're just mad that you got caught and are looking for some way to get back at them.  it's not gonna work, sorry.

  13. The police entered the house on proberable cause which gives them the right too. Go to court and answer the judges questions ...state your case.
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