
Police Office Requirements / Texas

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I have a Class A misdemeanor. Date of offense is in 2000 when I was 17 and the date of judgment was in 7-2001 age 18. Does the department I apply for look at the date of offense or date of judgment? The minimal requirements are no felonies, but if you look further into the postion requirements, that are on a seperate requirements form, it says no misdemeanor above a Class B. Do I have a chance as of today?




  1. You would have to wait for 10 years after your conviction date, so You would not be eligible until July of 2010.

    Texas Administrative Code, RULE §217.1 Minimum Standards for Initial Licensure

    (6) conviction history:

        (A) has not ever been convicted of an offense above the grade of a Class B misdemeanor or a Class B misdemeanor within the last ten years

  2. No, once they run your name and DOB, they'll see the offense. I am not sure but in many states you can be tried as an adult if you are 17. Depending on the crime it may even be an automatic upgrade to adult status. Class A as you know I am sure, is a serious misdemeanor, just below a felony. It usually involves premeditation or some other contributing motivation. That's why PD's don't accept candidates with those offenses. You can try to get the charge expunged. In other words sealed. That is a long legal process and you'll need a lawyer. I suggest you talk to one ASAP and see what can be done.

  3. Better add that if your offense was in Texas, you were a criminal adult at 17. It will indeed be on your criminal history. If their requirement is nothing above a B ever, you don't qualify. This is not just their rule. You can't be licensed with a final conviction for a Class A in the last ten years. TCLEOSE can waive that, but your prospective agency head has to make a case that it's in the public interest to do so, and that's not likely.  

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