
Police Officer Lied And Was Caught Out...?

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I'd met a girl through a friend. We hadn't yet dated when her "old friend" heard about it. He is a Police Officer. He told her my photo was hanging in the police station and that she should be wary of me. Obviously many questions were asked of me for which I had no answers. I contacted professional standards. They investigated and proved my photo was never in the police station and that he had said these things merely to get me out of the picture to leave the way open to him. Police Risk management Unit have passed this to Zurch Insurance to make an offer for defamation. Question is, how much should I accept as a minimum in your opinion.




  1. Money would not be able to buy compensation.  Accept that you met a niave girl, who was never likely to be much in your life.  Deception occurs by doctors, nurses, the police, and particularly in banks.  

    If she did not believe in you, then you have nothing to be compensated for!

    You have lost NOTHING!

  2. you got to be kidding right the better man beats you out for some poon tang and you are going to sue if she believed him over you any way then you dont want nothing to do with this girl he has already got her in his back pocket and you have probably gotten him fired

  3. Given that his lies jeopardised the possibility of falling in love, getting married, having kids and dying happy, i would suggest you ask for as much as you want. they will probably offer £500, at which point you should suggest that it go to court. Slander is easy to prove if what was said was believed by even only one person, in which case it was.

    Maybe they will then offer more like £20000.

  4. i never have understood why people like you that come into these forums and make up stories.there is no such part of any police dept. that is called professional standards.that makes you not being truthful about them doing a investigation.

    ----------retired texas deputy sheriff----------

  5. If they have admitted liability and you wouldn't have to pay solicitors fees, then I would get a solicitor who would like ask for the opinion of a more qualified 'queens counsell' who weighs up the results of previous cases of that type.  

    That's what happened when I had damages awarded for whiplash.

  6. Compensation for what... injured pride and ego.. and how come you didn`t have `answers` for `many questions`. I`d forget it mate. If she really wanted you she wouldn`t have taken any notice of what someone else said and even if she had, you should have been able to win her round and convince her it was all lies.

    EDIT I see he`s been given a written warning because of this incident. In my book that`s good enough....and I don`t believe the whole of the Suffolk police force are bad.

  7. Hi, well that is an odd one! Well done for catching him out!

    Well, I guess you gotta think how hard did it affect you? Who did he tell this to? What reasons did he give that your picture was there? Are you still speaking to the girl? Is she still speaking to him?  I would say, don't be greedy, just accept an amount that you feel reflects the damage caused to you. I have no idea what they may offer but if £100 or £1000 take it knowing that you  proved him wrong!

    Good luck...and let me know the outcome!!

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