
Police Officers: If you stopped someone with a Federal Bureau of Prisions credential, and they had a handgun..

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...concealed on them, would you know that was legal under LEOSA? What would you do about it if anything? (keep in mind this is just a traffic stop for a speeding violation, or something minor).




  1. The BOP ID will have the provision for firearms carry on it. If it does not, a quick call to the BOP facility watch commander they work at will clear it all up............ one way or the other.

  2. Anyone in law enforcement gets a free ride from me on that one, even before LEOSA.

  3. It's only legal under the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act if they are allowed by their agency to carry off-duty in the first place which most federal CO's aren't allowed to do.  

    The LEOSA does not give anyone authority to carry, only that LEO's, and retired LEO's, that already carry may do so across state lines.

  4. Are they allowed to have a handgun? I have not run across this. If they are allowed, no problem. If they are not, oops...

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