
Police Officers uniform.

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Are police Officers allowed to take home their uniforms, handcuffs etc when they are off duty from their job, or is it forbidden?




  1. As others have rightly stated you are allowed to take uniform home. How else would you wash it!! If you were to wear it off duty for any purpose then you could be on dodgy ground.

    As for taking other bits of kit home I would say no unless you have a genuine reason, such as the one given by Ian UK.

    CS gas is a definite no though as it is classed as a prohibited weapon under the Firearms Act.

  2. Depends on the department.

    But in the United States, at the vast majority of Police departments you can take home everything that was issued to you. In fact many officers wear their uniforms/equipment home and change at home before and after work.

  3. Low ranking officers are permitted to take home their uniform only but must remove their epaulettes before going off shift.

  4. In the uk, you can take it home if you need to (apart from the pepper spray /cs/pava which is a section 5 firearme).

    however they prefer it if we keep it ina locker at work.... generally the main reason is we lose things!

  5. I wear my uniform home, duty belt and all.  Every department in my area has the same policy.  It depends on the preference of the officer.

  6. Yes and no.  In a nutshell, if I were to take my uniform and other kit such as handcuffs and baton home as I would be starting my next duty at another location than my normal one the next day then this would be fine.  I would however have to leave my incapacitant spray at work as this is classed as a firearm.  I could however only use my uniform and associated kit when I was on duty as any attempt to do so when not on duty would be a breach of Police regulations and possibly the law depending on what I did with it.

  7. yes. all the ones i have known. you take home your car too

  8. That is a matter of department policy.

    Our department picks you up and drops you off at your residence, as long as you live in the city, so we have to keep all our stuff at home.

    Most county officers take their squad home, so they also have to keep all their equipment there.

    Some departments require you to leave your equipment in the locker room, and change into street clothes at the end of your shift.

    I think most allow you to take your equipment home.

  9. In the vast majority of cases yes. In most departments in the US, the officer keeps his uniform at home and reports for duty already dressed. Bigger departments will have locker rooms but in the US, most departments are small agencies

  10. In the UK you take your uniform home only thing not allowed is your CS Spray.

  11. In the UK the only things you can't take home are the CS spray, your Firearm if your AFO, and your radio. Everything else is personal issue and your responsibility.

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