
Police abuse at RNC ? What happened to free speech.?

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I have read on answers the demonstrators were destroying property. Found no proof of this. Some did react and defend themselves from the police. This should not be going on we NEED the right to protest.




  1. Whenever you have a protest of this magnitude, you are often going to find provocateurs involved.  This has happened many times in the past.  The vast majority of people who protest any such event are peaceful and have legitimate concerns.  This is the very reason that provocateurs are employed in order to justify the disbursement and often detention of legitimate protesters.  Does anyone recall the WTO protests in Seattle, back in 1999?  The Seattle police were ordered to sit on their thumbs while "anarchists" vandalized the city.  These were most likely provocateurs.  It has been recommended that they were members of Delta Force, at that.  Seattle police were finally permitted to crack down on the peaceful protesters, after the provocateurs did their thing.  Isn't it interesting that Delta Force was even involved in such a situation?  Active duty military forces undercover on the streets?  Wow.  Yeah.  We need to have the right to not only protest, but to somehow ensure that the protesters are protected by the police forces who are being employed to disrupt their right to protest.

    Delta's down with it

    "Two separate sources now say the crackdown on demonstrators was pushed hardest by the US Justice Department based on the concerns of undercover units in the streets—among them, members of the secretive US Army Delta Force..."

  2. Did you see those cops abuse that NBC report at the DNC? Ending up with him in a choke hold getting arrested!!! It supposedly was a story on Democrats & Lobbyists having a meeting in Denver.

  3. You clearly didnt watch your onwn source videos, they tell the story of the protesters smashing windows and throwing bottes at the buses. They were rightly justified in slamming there azz to the pavment for that kinda  c**p.. funny you never see a repulican protestor get slammed to the ground for stupid actions such as these commitied. THe supposed anarchists got what they deserve. you have the right to free speech but you have no right to be heard.  

  4. free speech ends when you start breaking and burning thinks. then you get maced and tazed.

  5. You have the right to public assembly like carrying

    a sign on the public sidewalk. You don,t have the right trespass on private property, throw bottles, burn cars, loot stores, block the road or sidewalk,harass people, chain your self to the building etc. That kind of behavior makes the protester look like some kind of wacko and discredits your point. It only takes a few to ruin a

    meaningful peaceful protest.    


  6. I guess you'd have us forget the videos we saw of the 'demonstrators' destroying property...

  7. The news I saw showed them destroying property. You must be wearing blinders, because it was all over the news, they trashed the area.

  8. I've seen plenty of videos of windows being smashed and police cars being vandalized  

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