
Police came when no one called?

by  |  earlier

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So the police came... but no one in our house called. The policewoman gave us our phone number and address. (both correct) When we realized that no one called, we checked our house phone. However, the house phone seemed to be having problems. (it rained last night) It only rings once. Btw, a person seemed to have called twice and hung up last night. (dunno if that has anything to do w/ this) Has someone tapped into our house phone? Or is it just weather problems? Because the policewoman claimed that someone using our house phone number called the police. Yet, no one did.




  1. You have a fault on your line called a Ring Trip.... Basically there is something damp on your telephone circuit, either in your house or outside in the telephone network. This will cause the 'phone to ring once and then 'trip' out as if it had been answered....

    In the UK the police etc can be called using the number 112 (as well as 999), certain types of fault ((tapping earth is one)) 'tap out' that number, resulting in the police being called to your address and knowing your number.

    Before calling your service provider, check to make sure you have no sockets or wiring in a damp location, most obvious is on a windowsill where condensation collects. Then unplug ALL the extensions etc from the master socket and borrow a known good 'phone from a neighbour, plug this into the master socket and see if this works OK. If it does then the fault is outside and you can call your Service Provider to report the fault.

  2. Have your line checked for trouble by your service provider.

  3. I once heard a story that happened in 1962 that there was a woman that had been murdered in her home. The ghost haunted the house for years. They say the woman had called the police and they never came. Ever since then the local police department would get calls from that home but noone ever called them. The police swore and had audio of a woman screaming for help. From what I hear the house still has an erieness about it. The calls eventually stopped. Maybe you have a ghost in your home?

  4. Sounds like someone is cut into your line and using your phone.

  5. There was a problem with older wireless house phones.

    People could take a handset and drive around until they found someone with the same type of base station.  They could then make calls until their batteries went out.

    Improbable but it may be possible that a neighbor innocently has one like yours.

    Check your phones if one is an old wireless you may want to let your folks know and get rid of it.

  6. If you have small children, they could have called as a joke and then when the police came, they could have gotten scared and sworn up and down that they didn't call. It sounds like a kid thing to do, I did it, to call the police and then hang up. You're lucky the police did come by; at least they care enough to make sure everything is ok.

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