
Police entrance exam, is there a need to buy a study guide?

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I have seen several books you can buy to study for the exam, but do you really need to study? And the polygraph test, what do they ask?




  1. The police entrance exam is basic reading, spelling and comprehension. No math is used, but some exams require writing or word association. If you think you'll need a study guide, then pick one up....otherwise I'd say it's a waste of time. The polygraph is just a go over what you put on your background packet and they will ask you if you have been truthful the whole time in the process and if you leaving anything out that may pertain to this application in law enforcement. Bottome line....DONT LIE or try to beat a polygraph or voice stress analysis. You CANT BEAT THEM.

  2. You will probably not see any of the practice questions on the test.

    However, the study guide does give you some tips on taking the test, and the practice tests help you mentally prepare. If you are not used to concentrating for the two hours, or longer, to take the test, you can get mentally fatigued. That may effect how you answer the questions. Taking the full practice tests will help "train" your brain to concentrate longer.

    The polygraph questions will be formatted so the only answers will be "yes" or "no". They will probably ask about past employment, drug use, and any criminal activity. If there is something on your application, or in your background, that needs clarification, they will probably ask about that.

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