
Police help??? please???

by  |  earlier

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So some of my friends and me were out tping and yes we got caught. we were at the station and the cops told us about how in the same neighborhood where my friends lives that we were staying over someone knocked down 17 mailboxs and street signs and they think it was us. we didnt even tp in that neighborhood. we are 100% innocent and the cops want us to maybe go to court. what should we ask for or do? me and my friends will appreciate anything.




  1. Get a lawyer. Or have mommy and daddy get you a lawyer.

  2. If they can't prove it, you won't get in trouble for knocking down the signs and mailboxes. The "burden of proof" is on them.

    Also, don't get yourself in trouble like this again by not TP-ing. Geez.

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