
Police in traffic?

by  |  earlier

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i was driving in traffic and i see an officer speed up in front of me. he put on his lights and i thought he pulled someone over. so i slowed down and so did the rest of the people behind me because what he was doing was doing huge zig zags on the freewayy for some reason and evrey one behind me all slowed down also. anyone know why the officer did that?




  1. One reason could be the car was warning you all of something ahead and needed you to slow down and/or stop.  Another could be that you were all speeding and that was his way of giving you wanrings to slow down.  Odd way of doing that though.

  2. This is commonly referred to as a "Rolling Road Block", or "Traffic Break". It is used when there is a situation ahead that authorities need to either keep people away from or to protect them from something unsafe.

    There could have been debris in the road, or there could have been a felony chase, or high speed chase going on and the officer was directed to slow the traffic down.

  3. --- Yes, he was telling all of you to stay behind him as something was happening down the road, perhaps a chase in traffic or an accident scene coming up. He wanted to make sure you all slowed down to at least as slow as he was going and not go by.

  4. He had been notified of debris or an accident up ahead.  They do this to slow the traffic enough to let someone pick up the debris.

  5. There was probably some road hazard ahead, and he was trying to slow every one down.  

    It could have been anything from a disabled vehicle, to an accident, livestock, or a load that spilled off a truck.

  6. could have been anything/ Maybe there was an ant in the road and he didnt want to hit it
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