
Police officers, how fast can a person go over the speed limit before you stop them?

by Guest56068  |  earlier

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What's the maximum amount of speed over the limit will you allow/let slide?




  1. In our jurisdiction (small town near large city) we usually allow 10-15 on the highway, 10 in town, and 5 in a school zone.

    If other violations also, then speed "grace" is 0.

  2. It varies. Nearly everyone will give you five mph slack. Maybe ten. Don't push it in school zones. There's usually zero tolerance there. And most people know if there's a little burg nearby where they operate on their fine revenues and have no slack.  

  3. i policeman told me that they usually let about 9 miles over the speed limit slide...

  4. Missouri

    Stop at 13, usually don't write until 15 on the highway or major streets.

    In school zones, crowded shopping areas, residential streets, ect my tolerance goes down to 10 over, maybe 5 depending on the speed limit.

  5. In Pa....

    State police can pull you over 1 mph over the limit

    Locals give a little more room like up to 9 or 10 mph over.

    But is also depends on the officer. some may give 10 mph but others may give only 5mph.

  6. in ohio

    normally it'd be about 9 miles over but really you're not suposed to go 5miles over

  7. strictly speaking, anything over the speed limit is illegal, but we normally gave 10 mph unless it was a school zone, then it was 5.  I try to keep my speed at about 6 or 7 over and have never been stopped at those speeds.  The times I have been stopped I was doing more than 10 over.  Texas  

  8. I'm not traffic, and don't have radar my vehicle, so generally I'm not stopping speeders. If I'm out running laser, which is infrequent, I'm generally looking for at least 10 over. As far as citing goes, it will depend on the driver's attitude, weather conditions, traffic conditions, etc. I work in Kansas.

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