
Police producer, no insurance, never heard a thing!??

by  |  earlier

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my car had broke down, so borrowed my girlfriends to get to work one day, had no insurance and guess what, got pulled for going 40 in a 30, stupid of me but i had a producer in which i went to the police station, said i had no insurance but never received anything? they said id get a letter within 14 days but 2 months on still nothing, are they just incompetent or have i got away with it??




  1. Both by the sounds of it

  2. Becareful, you may have a warrant out.  The courts can be slow.  I got a ticket and never heard anything because it got lost in the mail.  My license was suspended and I didn't know it.  They usually do not forget.  You may be lucky, but I would have someone check the status.  

  3. unfortunately the police have 6 months from the date of offence to the issue of the summons so u need to wait another 4 months to see whether u have got away with it!!

    if it does get to court, the magistrates can put between 6 to 8 penalty points on your licence but will reduce your fine by a third if u plead guilty at the first opportunity.  you will also have to pay court costs (usually £43 for a first appearance) and a £15 victim surcharge (government tax).

    Hope that helps!! x

  4. Do not build your hopes up, they six month to get to you

  5. I wouldn't be too confident as yet. You MAY have got away with it but they have several months yet.  Don't be too surprised if the next thing you receive is a summons.

  6. hey mate, i was driving under age, blowing chase.. no insurance, no tax, i stoped for them and i was given a producer, i couldnt produce cuz had no licence, nothing come back to me funny right,, worse  thinng is they never even took my car keys off me ..they just wanted someone else to drive. so my passenger who was old enuf drove ..they should have took me back to the police station but they didnt.nothing come  back to me i gave ligit details

    oh and neva questioned my passenger

  7. Sorry but the police have 6 months to deal/process the offence

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