
Police pulled me over for nonvalid reason?

by  |  earlier

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i was driving down a street and a police car followed. I stopped at a stop sign and the police ran his lights to pull over, so i turned right and stopped. He said i did not have my turn signal on 100 feet before i turned. Was this legal?




  1. He just liked your car and the music playing in it. Since he couldn't enjoy that he decided to ticket you. You didn't say you got a ticket for it though.  Well, you made his day!!

    Just kidding! It's possible that 100 ft is the requirement but I have not heard of anyone being pulled over for it. But then there are lots of those little laws that we do not know and pay attention to until it happens to you. Want to know something even more absurd. A lady got ticketed for honking at another car in front of her at a light that just turned green. Go Figure!

  2. Are you new to this world?

    If they want to pull you over they will pull you over, all they need is an excuse

  3. after you come to a complete stop, you must signal before you turn, its a violation if you don"t

  4. Wait a minute....I think you could have worded your question a little differently to get better answers, but I think I know what your question is.

    Are you implying that you did not intend to turn until you had stopped and then turned only because the red lights came on?

    If that's the case, then I would question the stop.  In my state, you have to signal your intention to turn during the last 100 feet of your movement.  In your case, it sounds like you didn't intend to turn until the red lights came on.  If there was some way for the officer to know you were going to turn before you did, then the stop sounds fine - but I don't know how the officer would have been able to know that ahead of time.  Had you gone straight after stopping at the stop sign, what would the officer have been stopping you for?

    There's something missing here.

  5. join the club

  6. Every state has different traffic laws, but most require you to use your turn signal for 100 feet before turning or changing lanes.  If you got a ticket, the ticket will list the precise law you are alleged to have violated.  Go the local courthouse, to the law library, and read that law.  Then you will know.

  7. yes, you should always signal before turning...

  8. Well some states do require that but he probably has to give a certain amount of tickets a day and he would have probably let u just go if he wasnt looking for someone to catch.

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