
Politest way to say no?

by  |  earlier

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When I am sure I know the correct answer I have the bad habit of saying "No, its...". Please give me some polite ways to say no without being rude (I think this is dis in the current usage).




  1. Instead of saying "No, it's...", phrase it as a question. "Are you sure it's not...?" This allows the person to rethink their statemnet and either agree with you or explain the logic of their statement but in a far less defensive way.

  2. "i am sorry the correct answer is...."

    "I feel differently"

    "Lets analyze this for a moment..."

    "That is flawed logic"

  3. Act like your not completely sure. As if the knowledge is coming far from the back of your memory. And the person who's incorrect can almost help you realize the right answer.

    A: the sky is red

    B: I'm not sure but i think its blue

         i thought it was blue

         i heard it was blue

    A: oh yeah your right

  4. It's so cool that you see this as a harsher way to say things. My aunt changed this type of answer to more of a "Wait, isn't it...." or "Actually I'm pretty sure it's...isn't it?"

    My sister just straight up corrects people, and we call her the schoolmarm. It's embarrassing when she does this, and a lot of times we hope she doesn't join the conversation. I wonder if I could send her your Q...or would that be rude :-)? (At least we're trying to not make each other feel bad.)

  5. I agree with the above answer....

    Are you sure it isn't.........

    I think ...............

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