There is alot people who don't vote and such and there is a lot of discussion on here and from Sen. Ohbama's question.
I always had a social studies/civics class, every year until my senior year in high school, because I two of such classes my sphomore year. We have state assesment tests over this stuff. So, I am having a hard time beleiving there is an issue of education. Unless schools are cutting back such programs.
Honestly, I didn't start voting until my second year college. I try my best to educate myself on candiates, but I still feel clueless at times.
Why do we focus so much on the Presidential elections? Everyone focuses on the President. I think people need to be aware of Congress and the such.
I really think we need to put term limitations on legislators to elimnate career politicans. I still recoginze alot faces on C-Span from my little years. I think this will help dilute the two party c**k fight and make them compete with the third parties.