
Political Fear?

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Why are Republicans so judgmental on yahoo Answers towards Democrats?




  1. That is like the kettle calling the pot black! It cuts both ways!

  2. Dude,

    I do not know your democracy so sorry.  Thankx for rht enote earlier though!!!

  3. This is an opinion forum.

    Opinions are judgmental.

    Our opinion is that Democrats are clueless Republicans who need to see the light.

  4. because Yahoo is a republicans channel

  5. Not quite a fair assessment, but I could see how you'd get that from postings made here.

    I think politics (much like religion) is quite personal and instead of basing arguments on logic or provable things, most people just react.

    This is the kind of answer you might expect from an Independent voter though, huh? :)

  6. i am a demarcate and i can well be not so nice at time especially when their are so many republicans and democrats  idiots on yahoo answer asking stupid or racist question or answers

  7. Both are full of poo, as are many of the "political" parties. Name the party and they're full of it.

    Each party wants to promote their agenda and some are more vocal than others. The Green Party should be much more defensive and offensive because that party is small and needs recognition.

    But hey, this is America and we have only two parties to choose from since no coalition government is needed or considered, like Europe.

  8. I feel they have the constitutional rigth to disagree with the dems. Even if we dont agree with the repts.

  9. Democrats are not so nice, either.

  10. i find it is the other way round

    it is dems who are more vociferous in exploiting the Y/A
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