
Political Philosophers, is there anything under the sun more blatantly Darwinian than "family values"?

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It always cracks me up when conservative Christians talk about family values. Shouldn't we care about other people's familes as well? Does the word "nepotism" apply here? And is there anything more grossly darwinian?




  1. No, Yes, No, Yes.

  2. They only care about their own families except when it comes to making laws concerning families. Just who's family are they talking about when they keep saying family values?

  3. I find it funny that any group would have the audacity to claim it values its family more than some other group.  As if, because I am not a "conservative" or Christian I don't value my family.

  4. Speck of dust hit the nail on the head.  Who passed the torch to evangelical christians as the moral crusaders of "family values".  

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