
Political Poll/Survey: If the Yahooligan trolls continue their report frenzy?

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(lol) and I get suspended, what name should I re-emerge under? LOL!

And, how long does it take to "re-emerge" in general? ROFLMBO!

I was considering: The Return of Micheala #1 Fan of WDPLM?-2. I appreciate your suggestions.

BBL to check for suggestions. Thanks everyone lol

Skippety do dah!




  1. How about  Alaehcim alae-chim, your name spelled backwards, and you can pronounce it how ever you want!!! Keep up the fight, like the rest of us!!!

    good luck

  2. Micheala Madness

    More Micheala

    Micheala The Sequel

    Madam Micheala...better than ever

    i have been meaning to ask, what does WDPLM stand for?

    Not sure how long it will take, unless you start up another email account in another name, then you can start immediately!!

  3. How about: Micheala WDPLM's Favorite Person

    Or: Micheala..Who's better than me?

  4. "H.o.p.e."





    always nosnod

  5. I dont understand why they reporting it because you are a Christian?  

    How about Mybella Micheala.

  6. Can you come back as a Beagle ? My Beagle needs a buddy all she's got is a old cat that doesn't even want to be bothered with her.

    Lady Gadiva,

    do you have long blonde hair and ride horses, ( I'll leave the rest out )

  7. I like your suggestion:  The Return of ...

  8. lady Micheala sounds good to me.  keep up the good fight.

  9. I have been suspended 7 times so far and I use my names to poke fun at people who censor me. I've been suspendedforhonesty, censoredbyevil, yacommiehoonazis, abdulnonoodle, jesuscuresislam, floydhonkie, and floydhonky.

    I hope I don't get a violation notice for mentioning my banned names.

    Since you said Skippety do dah, you should use a name based on one from the banned Disney movie Song of the South. Instead of Brer Rabbit you can be Sis Rabbit, and like Brer Rabbit, you will always jump back up after you get knocked down.

  10. I have just returned after a long break after my last account got suspended and the second question i answered i got a violation notice. I see nothing has changed

  11. Yahoo is actively curtailing freedom of speech and, I refer not to the removing of overly obscene or libelous comments but, the removal of political or religious comments that someone  (anonymous of course) has objected to.

    In other words, Yahoo, for whom I have a great affection, are being coerced into acting as censors by those with more financial or political clout than you and I plus ninety-nine .5% of Yahoo Answer users.

    But these PC nonentities cannot silence the growing rebellion over allowing minorities to stifle the majority.

    Keep posting, keep commenting, and demand to know from Yahoo exactly what it is they objected to?

    If they do not like the answers, why ask the question?

  12. The reporting has been rampant of late. I suspect it is because the election is so very close. Today I have seen 2 questions go missing, yesterday 3, and one of my answers 3 days ago, but I appealed and won! I was stunned! I got my points back, plus 2, and also got my answer re-instated. My feeling is that the one token Republican that works for YA saw my protest to the violation, and restored it.

    I suggest as a new name, if you get suspended should be "Take That, I'm Back!", or just use the same avatar, and screen name.

    I did.

    In other words, NEVER be defeated by Trolls. Always come back!!! Come back as yourself, and that makes a champion!

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