
Political Science?

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I'm in college and am trying to determine a major, I really enjoy the social sciences and am leaning towards political science, what career options would this open up for me if I majored in this? Also what career options would majoring in sociology, philosophy, psychology, etc. open up?




  1. soc sci can do many things. now they employ socsci for retail merchandising wh pays quite a bit.  any human resource or managament or admin is within your purview.  companies look at graduates of any discipline for their analytical thinking powers.  so dont confine yourself to just 'political' jobs.  look beyond the nutshell. and the world will open up

  2. Political science, obviously, leads to a career in politics of some sort. Lobbyist? Professional politician (ugh, I hate these; making a career out of running other people's lives, it makes me sick). Or possibly a teacher/professor. In sociology & philosophy, you're stuck to teaching, mainly. Both of those make better minors than majors. Psychology is the same deal, mostly, unless you go to med school and get a degree there, enabling you to become a psychiatrist.
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