
Political Survey for 1st timers,What is your opion of this Historical race for presidancy?

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and do you feel Pride,when you see the ages?




  1. It is indeed a historic election. two different candidates with different backgrounds. I feel really proud when I see Obama.  

  2. When I see this race it is actually very frightening the thought that this country could elect someone as horible as obama is really scary this race is very important becasue alot of people will not look at the issues and will blindly vote foe obama for one stupid reason or another look at this from CNN it's really scary if obama gets elected we won't be able to afford to live



  3. It's not that historical yet.  Nothing new about an old white republican man running.  Palin is the first republican female vp nominee, but Geraldine Ferraro was the first woman VP nominee.  Obama isn't the first black man to run for President but he is the first one to get the nominee.  Jesse Jackson ran.  And although I like Joe Biden just its another old white man running for VP, nothing new there.  I guess Hillary Clinton was the most historical.  I can't remember another woman running for President, but she didn't get the nomination.  Just put a lot of cracks in the glass ceiling. So I guess it all comes down to who wins.

  4. The election is historic.

    the result may be scary

  5. Mccain will win, why?

    66% of Americans who condem the Iraq war and dont support Obama, then theres something really wrong with the american people.

    Imagine if a women was raped and she had to keep her child. How sick and cruel is that under Palin's Leadership.

    I think the election is rigged, pass it on.

  6. I think it's been so crazy! They accuse Obama of this and that, but let McCain get away w/everything. It annoys me a lot everytime I hear someone say they're voting for McCain b/c McCain is so out of touch w/the real world.

  7. I see two, ordinary, career politicians running for the nomination of the two major parties. Am I supposed to see something else? Sorry if I don't - maybe I don't because I am color blind. That used to be considered a good thing. But I just see two ordinary, standard run-of-the-mill politicians. I am voting for neither of them. This year I am voting for Charles Jay.

  8. I think it's exciting. This is the kind of stuff you read in the school textbooks, I'm just proud to be alive and see history being made.

  9. What facet of it is Historical for the exception of Palin being selected

    as a VP. Other than that you have same ol same ol.  You have a

    Jessie Jackson wanna be running for President surrounded by a

    white version of Al Sharpton. Nothing showing change and hope


  10. I think the World in its entirety are envying the US right now.

    Black, white, men, women, mother with 4 months old baby, very old, young and many more good keywords are in this elections. Well done USA.

    The eventual result though will dictate whether the world nations should be more open and fair like the US at this stage. I am proud too.

  11. Although I'm not a first timer I believe I can add to this debate just a little note.

    1.John Mccain is old but well knowledge in the political game, can he stay healty enough to finish his term. probably not two terms as the demands on the job are severe.

    2 Bidden  doesn't have the complete loyalty of his party and how long will they let him be a vocal runneth of the mouth canidate before they muzzle him!

    3. Sarah Palin is little known but only has 2 years of real political expierence in a lesser populated state. Would she have the expierence to be President should the need arise.

    4. Obama has 173 days as a Senator from Illinoise. Who really owns this guy and is paying for his run for presidency.

    I see no change  in the political disaster we call a two party system that takes the American voter for granted.

    Despite the fact This Country may run well with a woman or minority as a President, we still have a big problem with Congress!

    A bunch of Back stabbing, hand shaking, secret dealing elitists that are really running this country into the mess you see today!

    As for the pride part of this election, it's still gone and until someone steps up and becomes a standout must vote for candidate I see no returning of it!

    I do have pride in my country and when so many G.I.'s are fighting and dying for my right to vote, then I must exercise that right. So right now I vote for none of the above and still look forwards to a hopeful third party man to step forward and bring back the desires of the American voters. A say in this country's government. Whether it be local, state, or federal. The American  voter needs to be heard from again!

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