
Political action committees (PAC) in this election?

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I'm pretty sure I understand what political action committees are, private groups that elect a presidential candidate, but can someone elaborate a bit more on what they do, for instance, what have been their effect or influence in this election?

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  1. A PAC is a private group with the purpose of advocating for a political cause or candidate. They cannot be controlled or coordinated by the candidate themselves, but the candidates sometimes express preferences about what they want them to do. Obama, for example, has said he doesn't want PACs that support him to go negative. That's why you haven't seen any negative ads from But if they feel that Obama is wrong and the negative ads are necessary, they will run them whether Obama wants them or not.

    The reason for the separation in control is a campaign finance issue. There are limits on how much you can give to any one candidate and any one PAC, as well as limits on how much you can give total. PACs are also entitled to free speech, so they are relatively free to say what they want and spend their campaign contributions how they want, while candidates are subject to election laws. If their weren't a wall between them and the candidate then restrictions on the candidates and the gifts they receive would be meaningless, as it used to be (and arguably still is).

    One classic example of the use of a PAC is the "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth", which ran ads for Bush smearing John Kerry's war record in the 2004 campaign. Many believe that Karl Rove, Bush's campaign chairman was the brains behind that opperation, as the line between PACs and candidate's is often thinner than it's supposed to be.

  2. Mostly: they provide money, which is the most important part of an election. They can provide money for ads and for attracting voters. Over 90% of the time the candidate with the most money wins, so it's extremely important.  

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